About Me
I began my journey as an author with a passion for storytelling and a knack for crafting engaging narratives. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of human emotion, I specialize in fiction. My unique ability to transport readers across galaxies and through the depths of human emotion sets my work apart.
I find my inspiration in daily life, technology discoveries, thoughts from others, and a myriad of locations.
I spent a good deal of my adult life traveling the world and interacting with those from all walks of life.
I've been in the financial district of Mexico City, the favelas of Sao Paulo, the Grand Place of Brussells (50 times; it's my favorite international destination), the cathedrals of Kiev, and so many more in the 15 countries I've visited.
The one defining factor of them all is the people. Wonderfully gracious individuals who invited me into their homes and businesses, treating me with the kindness usually reserved for family.
There are stories out there, waiting to be discovered. I'm trying to find as many as I can and let the world know about them.